Does Your Pool Need Restoration?
21 SepAre you the new owner of a beautiful concrete swimming pool? Perhaps this is your first summer enjoying the many pleasures a backyard swimming oasis brings. Let’s be honest, this has been one hot summer; we have had some fantastic swimming weather here in the GTA! If your swimming pool is a new asset to your home, while you surely won’t run into any issues for some time, it’s important to note that like with any big investment, it takes regular maintenance to preserve a pool’s condition.
You’ll notice when minor repairs are required but are you aware of pool resurfacing and when your pool may require such a service? Let’s take a look at what pool resurfacing entails and when it may be time to consider it.
What Is Pool Restoration?
If you’re like many GTA homeowners, you may not be too familiar with the term “pool restoration”. That’s mostly likely because although it’s an aspect of pool maintenance, it’s a process that is only completed occasionally; typically twice a year. Pool resurfacing or pool restoration can take place with both fiberglass swimming pools and plaster. If you are the owner of either, keep in mind that while this won’t be an ongoing expense, your pool will likely require resurfacing at some point.
Resurfacing your pool involves several steps, all of which ultimately improve the condition and appearance of your swimming pool. Such things include filling in cracks and fixing chips in the surface of the pool. In some cases, certain sections of concrete or old plaster may need to be removed entirely and replaced with fresh, new material that is sealed and protected accordingly. Lucky for you, this is not a process you’ll have to tackle (and we don’t recommend it!) At Blue Diamond Pools, our team of expert pool specialists will look after all of your pool resurfacing needs.
How Do I Know When it’s Time to Restore My Pool?
While this can vary, typically finishes will age mostly depending on your water care or main maintenance practices. The need for resurfacing really comes down to the current condition of your pool and the wear and tear it experiences. If you begin seeing signs of wear like areas with significant cracks and chips or notice that it’s becoming difficult to keep clean, it may be a sure sign that your swimming pool requires restoration.
It’s best to address this as soon as possible, as waiting to restore your swimming pool could lead to further issues down the road, and could result in extensive restoration work costing you more. As a general rule of thumb, it’s best to have the professionals at Blue Diamond Pools resurface your swimming pool as suggested; in doing so, you’ll avoid the risk of damage and/or harm to those swimming in it.
If you’re in the GTA and interested in learning more about our pool restoration and pool resurfacing services, get in touch with our team today; we are happy to help with this process! Call us at 705-726-3403.