Health Benefits of a Swimming Pool
09 MayAs a homeowner, most people consider the fun and excitement they’ll experience with owning a swimming pool. Perhaps daydreaming about the latest pool toys they’ll purchase, and all the parties they will throw with family and friends. While this is a huge benefit to having a swimming pool, if you’re seriously considering purchasing one, keep in mind all the health benefits that come with it as well!
Pools are more than just fun and games; they can also improve your state of mind and body. Regardless of your age or fitness level, swimming pools provide health advantages that can be gained even if you’re not an avid swimmer! Let’s take a look at a few now:
Cardio and Strength Training
When you swim, you’re basically working all of the limbs in your body, meaning that you’re exercising all your muscles whether you realize it or not. This means that swimming provides an excellent means of burning calories, but also strengthens your heart, and helps to build lean muscle. With access to a swimming pool you can also practice valuable swimming skills that could be used one day, should you encounter a situation that requires saving or tending to a struggling swimmer. Laps provide an excellent cardiovascular routine, but if this doesn’t interest you, you may also try water aerobics as a means of cardio and strength training. The options are endless! In fact, your new swimming pool can quickly act as a mini gym! Plus, most people agree that exercise feels easier and more fun when you’re in the water, as opposed to on the flat ground.
Decreased Joint Pain
Some workouts such as running can be hard and damaging to your joints. As a result, many people find they are unable to take on running even if it’s an interest. If you suffer from arthritis, you’ll appreciate the way that water helps with joint pain, as there is no impact on the body. Swimming and water aerobics can also improve or maintain your bone health.
Healthier and Longer Life
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, even two and a half hours of swimming each week can reduce your risk of contracting a chronic disease like diabetes or heart disease. Swimming increases your heart rate, providing your body with the movement it requires to remain healthy and strong. If that’s not enough to motivate you, you may be surprised to learn that swimmers also have a 50% lower death rate than those who run, walk, or practice no exercise at all.
Better Mood
There are limited exercises out there that are as relaxing as swimming. The refreshing feel of the water and the way your body gracefully moves within it can help you de-stress and unwind. As you stretch your muscles and listen to muted splashes of the water, it allows you to forget those issues or concerns that may be on your mind. The exercise will also release endorphins which assist in your overall mindset. If you prefer to take it easy, feel free to float around your pool on a raft; watch as your anxiety and stress drifts away.
Ready to learn more about the many options for your swimming pool? Get in touch with Blue Diamond Pools for additional information. We are dedicated to excellence, quality, and creativity with unique pool installations and inspired landscape designs for anybody and everybody from commercial resort to a residential backyard.
Call 705-726-3403.