In-ground Pool Pump Maintenance
20 SepMaintaining your inground swimming pool can often feel overwhelming, with a never ending list of things you should do; actually finding the time and energy to complete those things, however, is a whole other story. Sure, you can cut some corners and from the outside everything may appear as normal; the water looks clear and the kids are swimming away with no issues, so is there anything to be concerned about?
When you cut corners with your swimming pool maintenance, eventually signs of this will appear and unfortunately, you’ll end up spending more down the road than you would have with regular upkeep. If you are a new pool owner it can be difficult determining which pool components require ongoing attention, and which pool parts affect others. Blue Diamond Pools & Landscaping specializes in the construction of beautiful swimming pools, but as always we want to do everything possible to provide our clients with pool advice. Here is a quick look at some key steps you should not be ignoring when it comes to the well-being of your swimming pool:
In-ground Pool Pumps
Remember that your pool pump is essentially the heart of your swimming pool. An in-ground pool pump will typically last approximately 5 – 10 years with an average expected lifetime of 7 years. That said, ensuring you implement proper installation and upkeep to your pool pump should provide you with more than 10 years of life for your pool pump. Unfortunately most pumps will not last 10 years because of following reasons which can actually be prevented:
Leaks in Pump – In an effort to remain cool, pump motors will draw air through them. What is often overlooked is the pump’s purpose; while it’s designed for outdoor use, of course, it’s not designed to handle pulling chlorinated water through the motor. The threaded connections that the majority of pool pumps have can develop leaks relatively fast. If this is left unfixed the pump motor will likely fail prematurely because of the chlorinated water being pulled through the windings. Another common failure is for the pump to develop a main seal leak which usually goes unnoticed since the leak would be situated at the very bottom of the pump. Again, any kind of leak will allow chlorinated water to enter the motor. To prevent this issue from happening and to keep you motor running properly, always verify that your pump is free from any leaks, and if leaks are discovered it’s best to repair them a quickly as possible.
Pumps Overheat – It is pretty well known that too much heat will kill electric motors. Pool pumps are designed to function in most climates, but taking a few precautionary steps to keep the pump cool, will assist in its overall performance and longevity. Keeping a pump in a small area lacking air flow is not smart, nor is running a pump directly under blazing hot temperatures throughout the day. A sun shade or roof is a great solution for keeping sun and rain off of the pump, while still supplying maximum air flow. When a pool pump overheats, the windings in the motor can stop working, drawing more current, which ultimately means more heat. If and when a pump overheats, it will likely warp and a slow leak will take place.
Improper Installation – For your pump to be installed effectively there needs to be a long, straight run of pipe going into the pump. To learn more about flow dynamics in association with pump installations here is a great article on installing and operating an efficient swimming pool pump.
Chlorine in Pool Pumps – Whatever you do, don’t put chlorine pucks into a pump strainer basket. In doing so, you will be sending concentrated chlorine directly through your equipment which will most definitely affect the quality of your pump, filter, and heater; you’ll quickly experience functionality problems if this is done. Save money and hassle by taking good care of your pool pump.
If you have any further concerns or questions surrounding pool maintenance, or if you’re interested in our pool restoration services, please contact us for additional information. Our in-ground pool restoration services will give your old in-ground pool a fresh new look! Call 705-726-3403 or contact us through our website here.
The post Extend the Life of Your Swimming Pool with Regular Maintenance appeared first on Blue Diamond Pools.